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Udemy線上課程 2023 Python全攻略 講師:Wilson Ren 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(3DVD)

Udemy線上課程 2023 Python全攻略 講師:Wilson Ren 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(3DVD)
Udemy線上課程 2023 Python全攻略 講師:Wilson Ren 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(3DVD)

此2023 Python 全攻略課程會一步一步帶者你走,讓你能夠從頭開始學習程式語言的基本語法、邏輯架構、思考路線,以及開發流程。不需要有任何的程式設計經驗,也不需要有相關的背景知識。此課程包含現在主流以及實用的 Python 實作,包含
Python 基本與進階資料類型,涵蓋(int, string, float, boolean, dict, set, list, and tuples)Python 運算、控制流程與 Pythonic 語法I/O 文件處理物件導向語法、繼承解析模組(Module)和套件(Package)的概念實做 Error Handling使用正規表示式(regular expressoin)處理大型資料的接收與分析使用requests以及beautiful soup模組製作網路爬蟲製作Python TypedList使用Pylint以及Unittest透過sqlalchemy連結資料庫透過smtplib接收以及寄送電子郵件使用Jython處理圖片學習基本的Flask製作網頁伺服器學習基礎Tkinter語法,製作初階桌面應用程式
此課程包含Python3由淺至深的內容,帶你學習全面的Python基本與實作必要知識。超過40小時的課程,包含基本語法、程式架構、邏輯思路、問題處理、Debug技巧,建立扎實與全面的Python必備知識! Udemy上面有許多課程,但此課程是適合所有層級學習者的全面課程!
本課程講解各種現代開發工具以及應用原則,讓你不論身在何處都可以隨時隨地的學習最新知識。詳細的解說,讓你從初學者到大師! 所有project皆提供原始碼與教學,讓你輕鬆動手寫程式! 不用花大錢,即可由簡入深學習到許多開發技巧和debug觀念!
01 - Preparation
001 Learning Tips.html
002 Course Resources.html

02 - Chapter 0 - Introduction to Python
003 What's Python_.mp4
004 Why Learning Python_.mp4
005 Notes for _Download Python and VS Code_.html
006 Download Python and VS Code.mp4
007 Code formatter is configured as formatter but it cannnot format 'Python'-files.html
008 What's in this course_.mp4
009 How to take notes_.mp4

03 - Chapter 1 - Python Data Types
010 Intro to Python Data Types.mp4
011 Operations for Numbers in Python.mp4
012 Functions for Numbers.mp4
013 Variable and Assignment.mp4
014 String Indexing and Slicing.mp4
015 String Quotations and Line Changing.mp4
016 String Concatenation.mp4
017 String Method I.mp4
018 Format, fstring and replace.mp4
019 find, count, startswith, endswith.mp4
020 Other Rules of Strings.mp4
021 Intro to Lists.mp4
022 List Functions I.mp4
023 List Functions II.mp4
024 Intro to dicts.mp4
025 Dicts Functions.mp4
026 What can be a key_.mp4
027 Intro to Tuples.mp4
028 Tuple Packing and Unpacking.mp4
029 Mutable objects in tuples.mp4
030 Intro to Sets.mp4
031 Built-in Set Methods.mp4
032 Booleans in Python.mp4
033 Python Comments and Type-checking.mp4
034 Additional Information.mp4
035 Value, Reference, Sorted.mp4
036 Membership Operator.mp4

04 - Chapter 2 - Operators, Truthy and Falsy Values
037 Comparison and Assignment Operators.mp4
038 Logical and Bitwise Operator.mp4
039 Truthy and Falsy Values.mp4
040 Short-Circuit Evaluation.mp4

05 - Chapter 3 - Control Flow
041 Control Flow and If Statement.mp4
042 Breakfast Program.mp4
043 For Loop.mp4
044 While Loop.mp4
045 Nested Loop.mp4
046 Pass, Break, Continue.mp4
047 Range Function.mp4
048 Improvement of Range function.mp4
049 Enumerate and Zip Function.mp4
050 List Comprehensions.mp4
051 Dict, Set Comprehension and Generator.mp4
052 Coding Lesson - Word Count.mp4

06 - Chapter 4 - Functions and Methods
053 Intro to Functions and Methods.mp4
054 Parameters are local variables.mp4
055 Return Keyword.mp4
056 Import Functions.mp4
057 Positional and Keyword Arguments.mp4
058 Default Arguments in Python.mp4
059 Arbitrary Number of Arguments.mp4
060 Higher-Order Function.mp4
061 Lambda Expression.mp4
062 Scope and LEGB Rule.mp4
063 UnboundLocalError.mp4
064 Functions are Objects.mp4

07 - Chapter 4.5 - Miscellaneous Information
065 Naming Convention and Restriction.mp4
066 Pythonic.mp4
067 Zen of Python.mp4

08 - Google Form
068 Google表單.html

09 - Coding Practice
069 Coding Practice.html
070 Intro to Python Practice.mp4
071 Simple Exercise Answers I 1-3.mp4
072 Simple Exercise Answers I 4-7.mp4
073 Simple Exercise II Answers 1-4.mp4
074 Simple Exercise II Answers 5-6.mp4
075 Intermediate Exercise I Answers 1-3.mp4
076 Intermediate Exercise I Answers 4-5.mp4
077 Intermediate Exercise I Answers 6-7.mp4
078 Intermediate Exercise II Answers 1-3.mp4

10 - Chapter 5 - I_O in Python
079 Intro to I_O with Files.mp4
080 readline, readlines and close.mp4
081 Encoding.mp4
082 With Statement and Modes.mp4
083 Deleting Files and Folders.mp4
084 User Input and Coding Lesson - Secret.mp4
085 Project - Tic Tac Toe Game Part I.mp4
086 Project - Tic Tac Toe Game Part II.mp4
087 Project - Tic Tac Toe Game Part III.mp4
088 Serialization and Deserialization.mp4
089 Pickle.mp4
090 Shelve.mp4

11 - Chapter 6 - Object-Oriented Programming
091 Intro to OOP.mp4
092 Class Attribute, Static Method and Class Method.mp4
093 Quick Note.html
094 Inheritance.mp4
095 Multiple Inheritance.mp4
096 C3 Linearization.mp4
097 Private Attributes and Methods.mp4
098 @property decorator.mp4
099 The Mighty Hash Function.mp4
100 __hash__ and __eq__.mp4
101 額外補充說明.html
102 Dunder Method.mp4

12 - Chapter 7 - Modules and Packages
103 Intro to Modules and Packages.mp4
104 Different Ways of Import.mp4
105 Module Searching.mp4
106 Namespace.mp4
107 if __name__=='__main__'.mp4
108 PyPI and Pip.mp4

13 - Chapter 8 - Error Handling and Exceptions
109 Intro to Exceptions.mp4
110 Try, Except, As, Else, Finally.mp4
111 Common Errors and Exceptions.mp4
112 Raise, Customized Exception.mp4
113 Order of Exception.mp4
114 Guard Clauses and Exception Handling.mp4
115 Context Manager.mp4
116 Pylint.mp4
117 .pylintrc file.html
118 Unittest.mp4

14 - Chapter 9 - Advanced Functions
119 First Class Objects.mp4
120 Decorators.mp4
121 Generator.mp4
122 Iteration, Iterable, and Iterator.mp4
123 Stdin, Stdout, Pipe.mp4

15 - Chapter 10 - Useful Modules I
124 Intro to OS Module.mp4
125 Other OS Methods.mp4
126 Safe Delete and Remove Nonempty Directory.mp4
127 os.walk().mp4
128 Collections - Counter, defaultdict, namedtuple.mp4
129 Datetime Module.mp4
130 Timedelta Class.mp4
131 Math Module.mp4
132 Random Module Part I.mp4
133 Random Module Part II.mp4
134 Random Algorithm.mp4

16 - Chapter 11 - Useful Modules II
135 Intro to Regular Expression.mp4
136 RE Syntax I.mp4
137 RE Syntax II.mp4
138 Email Checking with Regex.mp4
139 Practice.mp4
140 Zip and Unzip Files and Folders.mp4
141 Regular Expression.mp4
142 Finite Automata.mp4
143 Turing Machine.mp4

17 - Chapter 12 - Web Scraping
144 Intro to Web Scraping.mp4
145 HTML Basics.mp4
146 Tags with Attributes.mp4
147 HTTP Requests in Python.mp4
148 Beautiful Soup and Lxml.mp4
149 CSS and
150 Grabbing an Image online.mp4

18 - Chapter 13 - Miscellaneous Information II
151 Duck Typing.mp4
152 TypedList.mp4
153 Different Number Systems.mp4
154 Encoding and UTF-8.mp4

19 - Chapter 14 - ETL in Python
155 Intro to ETL and CSV.mp4
156 14-2 CSV Writer.mp4
157 Openpyxl.mp4
158 Intro to Database.mp4
159 Intro to SQLite3.mp4
160 CRUD of SQLite 3.mp4
161 SQL Injection.mp4
162 SQL Alchemy.mp4
163 Class Objects as Data Row.mp4
164 Alembic.mp4

20 - Chapter 15 - Python Emails
165 Intro to SMTP.mp4
166 App Password.mp4
167 Sending Emails from Python.mp4
168 Receiving Emails.mp4
169 額外補充資料.html

21 - Chapter 16 - Jython and Images
169 Intro to Jython and JES.mp4
169-Pictures for
170 Intro to Jython and JES.mp4
170 MacOS with other Java versions installed.html
170-Pictures for
171 Color Encoding.mp4
171 MacOS with other Java versions installed.html
172 Color Encoding.mp4
172 Difference between Python 2 and 3.mp4
173 Difference between Python 2 and 3.mp4
173 Media Programming.mp4
174 Media Programming.mp4
174 Picture and Pixel Object.mp4
175 Colors and simple image operation.mp4
175 Picture and Pixel Object.mp4
176 Brighter, fake Sunset, and Negative.mp4
176 Colors and simple image operation.mp4
177 Brighter, fake Sunset, and Negative.mp4
177 Gray Scale.mp4
178 Copy Half.mp4
178 Gray Scale.mp4
179 Copy Half.mp4
179 Pictures Technique with Selection.mp4
180 Edge Detection.mp4
180 Pictures Technique with Selection.mp4
181 Chromakey.mp4
181 Edge Detection.mp4
182 Chromakey.mp4
182 Mirroring.mp4
183 Mirror Diagonal Part I.mp4
183 Mirroring.mp4
184 Mirror Diagonal Part I.mp4
184 Mirror Diagonal Part II.mp4
185 Copy in General.mp4
185 Mirror Diagonal Part II.mp4
186 Copy in General.mp4
186 Scale Down Image.mp4
187 Scale Down Image.mp4
187 Scale Up Image.mp4
188 Blurring.mp4
188 Scale Up Image.mp4
189 Blurring.mp4

22 - Chapter 17 - Tkinter, Flask
189 Introduction to Tkinter.mp4
190 Intro to Flask.mp4
190 Introduction to Tkinter.mp4
191 Intro to Flask.mp4

23 - End
191 Complete Course Form.html
192 Bonus Lecture.html
192 Complete Course Form.html
193 Bonus Lecture.html

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